Friday, November 14, 2008

The Eagles sang, "To Busy Being Fabulous". They have a video of the song on Youtube, but I can't find it on itunes. Oh well.
shannon's home for the weekend. Getting her wisdom teeth out. ouch.
I'm going bow-hunting. Should be peak-rut. Hope to finally see the monster buck of my dreams walk within a few yards so I can 'cut-a-lung'. In 25 years of bow-hunting, I've never killed a buck with my bow. I may have to stay in the woods the whole week-end. Hope not.
Anyway, Zach will be home next week-end. I'm pumped.


  1. I did not realize that in all your bow hunting you'd never killed a buck. This is astonishing. I hope a big one crosses your path then.

  2. cut-a-lung eh? ER in the deer woods :) Thanks for watching my kids last night. I had a great dinner out :) So, yeah - go kill a deer!

  3. good luck!!! Tell Zach i said hey!
